In Our Dear Homes Again Song


Dear Mornings,

I recall when my alert used to blare at the same time every single day. Information technology was nonetheless nighttime and the house was silent. I'd hit the snooze button, curlicue over, sigh, and often times, dread the day. I worried about everything the mean solar day held. I wondered if I was doing the right things and wondered why my married man was e'er so excited to head to piece of work.

I've always liked my jobs, but accept always worn my emotions on my sleeve and was unable to completely surrender my fears to God and exist at peace, regardless of what the solar day held. I was an always-remember-near-work, talk almost piece of work, programme for work, answer work calls anytime kinda girl. Regardless of what mean solar day/time it was.

Now my mornings consist of human alarm clock "bosses" that wake all throughout the night. They are both morning birds and nighttime owls. They are sweet AND feisty. They take their own agendas on their minds for the day. They somehow pull out 824 toys, spill 3 drinks, eat 2 breakfasts, "help" me start laundry and chores, and follow me to the bathroom all before 8:00 AM.

The mornings are definitely not always blissful. In that location are tears and tantrums. The get-go thing I do in the morning equally the monkeys are swinging all over me is brew a loving cup of java from our dearest third child - the Keurig. Then, the solar day Really begins.

Some mornings are full of craft time for my busy and task-oriented toddler while others are letting the two babes learn to play together and employ their vivid imaginations while I tend to washing sheets, washing dishes, planning menus, and endeavour to find guild in our constant chaos. Just this week, they were playing "speed boat" past sitting on my son's tent. Then, he cast her overboard. Information technology was squeamish while it lasted. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that saying: "Please don't let your sister lick your human foot" or "Please don't wipe your booger on that" would get my new normal. Just, here we are.

I'one thousand still working on finding peace in the chaos ... but the booger-wiping, vomit-cleaning, diaper-irresolute, date-scheduling, constant laundry-folding, ... I'm showing up every day, excited to see what the twenty-four hours holds. It'south the first time I've felt like I was truly fulfilling the passion my middle holds.

I've come up to learn that to be passionate nigh what we practice doesn't mean it always has to be blissful. It might actually be the hardest job you've E'er had. The difference is ... you keep showing up. You keep finding beauty in the chaos. Yous keep finding the blessings correct before your very eyes.

So, mornings ... we tin can be friends now.

Written by: Lizzy One thousand. Christian of Burn down Wife Chronicles. 🚒 For more than encouragement, subscribe to the blog at

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