Who Can Repair a Cracked Basement Where There Is No Leaks in the Rolla Mo



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After certain verbs

Appendix 3

Appendix 2

Appendix 1

It was surpris___ to see her.

Past Participle

NOTE 1: Present Participles describe what something or somebody is: e.g. Ted is an interesting person. (What kind of person? Interesting.)

Past Participles describe how someone feels: e.g. Mary is interested in English literature. (How does she feel about English literature? Interested.)

5.1 Fill in the correct participle:

Paul: You must be very 1) excited (excite). Paris is a 2) _____ (fascinate) city. There are so many 3) _____ (interest) things to do. You won't be 4) _____ (bore).

Jane: Well, I'm a bit 5) _____ (worry) because I can't speak French very well.

Paul: You should buy a phrase book and then you won't be 6) _____ (embarrass) if someone speaks to you. They won't be 7) _____ (annoy) if you make a mistake, and most people will be 8) _____ (please) if you ask for something in French.

Jane: I'm sure they'll find my accent very 9) _____ (amuse).

Paul: Don't be silly. I'm sure you'll have a very 10) _____ (stimulate) holiday.

5.2 Complete the words:

1. I was surpris___ to see Ann there.

3. I find this work very tir___

4. It makes me tir___.

5. Her exam results were disappoint____.

6. She was pretty disappoint___.

7. She was excit___ about her new job.

8. It was an excit___ new challenge.

9. We were shock___ to hear about your brother.

10. The news was really shock___.

5.3 What are the people interested in? Make sentences.

e.g.An astronomer is interested in the stars.

Astronomer, botanist, cook, doctor, explorer, geographer, historian, linguist, mathematician, fashion designer, zoologist Animals, clothes, food, languages, medicine, plants, the past, the stars, travel, numbers, places

5.4 Open the brackets using the correct form of the Participle:

1. a) Scientists ______ (to deal) with the problems of pollution in�sist on its being exactly assessed. b) The problem of pollution in industrial areas ______ (to deal) with in this paper is one of the most im�portant for modern science.

2. a) People ______ (to use) force when it is not necessary cannot be justified. b) Electronic computers ______ (to use) in the research saved the scientists a lot of time.

3. a) Drought ______ (to follow) by famine had a disastrous effect on the economy of the country. b) The discovery of the synthetic penicillin ______ (to follow) the original discovery by A.Plemming, was �ls� made in Britain.

4. a) ______ (To carry out) numerous experiments and tests, the scientists tried to prove the original hypothesis. b) The experiments ______ (to carry out) by a team of young scientists led to sensational results.

5. a) The architect didn't like this design ______ (to involve) him in a lot of extra work. b)He enjoyed the travelling ______ (to involve) in his new job.

NOTE 2: �have something done� is used to describe an action which I arrange but do not do myself:

e.g. Jim arranged for the plumber to fix the tap. Jim had the tap fixed. (He didn�t do it himself � the plumber did it.)

All tenses are possible:

e.g. I�m having my house painted at the moment.

Note the word order. The object goes before the past participle � there is a difference between:

e.g. He had his car cleaned. and He had cleaned his car.

5.5 Rewrite these sentences using have + object + past participle and changing some words if necessary:

1. Someone delivers the newspapers. (We) We have the newspapers delivered.

2. Someone cleaned the carpets every year. (I) I had the carpets cleaned every year.

3. Their house needs painting. (They're going to) They're going to have their house painted.

4. We ask someone to check the accounts every month. (We)

5. Someone sends the money to my bank account in London. (I)

6. My stereo isn't working properly. It needs cleaning. (I'm going to)

7. My camera's being repaired at the moment. (I'm)

8. He spilt coffee on my jacket so he took it away for cleaning. (He spilt coffee on my jacket so he)

9. I think it's time to service the car. (It's time to)

10. I don't like the office curtains. It's time to change them. (I think I'll)

11. There's something wrong with the typewriter. It needs repairing. (I think I'll)

12. We couldn't go to Jack's flat: it was being painted. (We couldn't go to Jack's flat: he)

13. The computer's no good: we're changing it. (We)

14. I send the films to England: they are processed there. (I)

15. I didn't want to eat in the hotel dining-room, so I asked them to send a meal up to my room. (I didn't want to eat in the hotel dining-room, so I)

5.6 * Rewrite the words underlined using have + object + past participle:

1. There's a photographer over there. Why don't we ask her to take our
? � Why don't we have our picture taken?

2. I've finally decided to arrange for someone to pierce my nose. � I've finally decided to have my nose pierced.

3. There's a leak in the roof. We should arrange for someone to repair it.

4. What time is it? I'm afraid someone hasn't repaired my watch yet.

5. Someone is going to redecorate the kitchen for us next month.

6. If I were you, I'd ask someone to fell that tree. It shuts out all the light.

7. I'm having a bit of trouble with my eyes at the moment so someone's going to test them next week.

8. I love someone massaging my shoulders.

9. The dentist hasn't checked my teeth this year.

10. The baby was crying because someone was washing her hair.

11. He looks much younger. I think someone's dyed his hair.

12. I don't know if I've passed the course because the tutors haven't marked all my work yet.

13. That wasps' nest is dangerous. You must ask someone to remove it.

NOTE 3: �the Absolute Participial� construction.

Pay attention to how such construction is translated into Russian:

e.g. His speech finished, the audience applauded. � ����� ��� ���� ���� ���������, ��������� ��������������.

e.g. The speaker having finished, the audience applauded. � ����� ������ �������� ����, ��������� ��������������.

e.g. His speech being very interesting, the audience listened attentively. � ��� ��� ��� ���� ���� ���������, ��������� ������� �����������.

e.g. He continued speaking, his colleagues listening attentively. � �� ��������� ��������, � ������� ����������� ��� �������.

5.7 Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Her proposal having been accepted, she took her seat.

2. Nobo�dy having anything more to say, the meeting was closed.

3. The crisis having passed, they could think about the future.

4. Her courage fai�ling, the girl rushed back.

5. It being a scientific matter, we had to call in specialists.

6. The standard of living having improved af�ter the First World War, the working �l�ss families could afford spen�ding more money on foodstuffs.

7. He died in 1908, his tasks accom�plished.

8. His outlook uninfluenced by science, he committed a num�ber of serious errors in his judgments.

9. Curbing the dynamics of industrial development being highly unrealistic, we should turn tech�nology to the construction of healthy environment.

10. Both scien�tists and scholars carry out research, the difference between the two being that the former are engaged in exact and natural sciences, while the latter work in the field of the humanities.

11. Silver being very expensive, we only rarely use it as a conduc�tor.

12. Radioactivity discovered, we made great progress in atomic physics.

13. Acids react with oxides of all the metals, a salt and wa�ter being formed.

14. The speed of light being extremely great, we cannot measure it by ordinary methods.

15. Other liquids being too light, a barometer uses mercury.

5.8 Join each of the following pairs of sentences using Past Parti�ciple:

e.g. The speaker refused to continue. He w�s infuriated by the interruptions. � Infuriated by the interruptions, the spea�ker refused to continue .

1. He decided to have some rest. He was exhausted by hard work. � ________________________________________

2. We decided to go home. We were depressed by the news. � _______________________________________

3. Jack ga�ve up his studies. He was denied his opportunity to carry out expe�riments. � ____________________________________________

4. Art students fail to understand the importance of scien�ce. They are inclined to regard science only as the power behind mass production. � ________________________________________________________

5. We changed the lines of our research. We were disappointed by the results. � ________________________________________________

Test yourself: non-finites

Circle the correct answer.

1. I would like see / to see you again.

2. Can you help / to help me?

3. Is it necessary buy / to buy a ticket now?

4. I hope go / to go to America in July.

5. Try not to / to not forget your keys.

Put in the correct form of the verb.

6. I promise ______ you every day. (phone)

7. She suggested ______ a doctor. (see)

8. We agreed ______ together. (work)

9. I didn't expect ______ John there. (see)

10. I'm really going to stop ______. (smoke)

11. I can't keep ______ � I'm too tired. (drive)

12. Ann has decided ______ a car. (buy)

13. The boss refused ______ to me. (talk)

14. I thought of ______ you a birthday card, but I forgot. (send)

15. They still haven't finished ______. (talk)

16. Bill doesn't want ______ with us. (come)

17. Your English is good, but you must practise ______. (speak)

Circle the correct answer.

18. We need ______ tickets. A) to get B) getting

19. It is important ______ 'No' sometimes. A) to say B) say C) saying

20. ______ to work takes a lot of time. A) To drive B) Drive C) Driving

21. You can't live without ______. A) to eat. B) eat. C) eating.

22. I came here ______ my sister. A) to see B) for see C) for seeing

23. After ______ work, I went home. A) finish; B) to finish; C) finished; D) finishing

Rewrite the sentences with infinitives.

e.g. I saw Mary. I was happy. I was happy to seeMary.

24. I found a cat in my bed. I was surprised.

25. I didn't have time to phone you. I was sorry.

26. You can easily remember my phone number. My phone number is ______.

Circle the correct answer.

27. Can you lend me something __ A) to read? B) for read? C) for reading?

28. I can't come out - I've got a lot of letters __ A) to write. B) writing. C) for writing.

Rewrite the sentences with too or enough.

29. It's very heavy. Nobody can lift it. (too)It's too ___________________.

30. He's 18, so he can vote. (enough)He's __________________________.

31. I'm very tired. I can't drive. (too) ______________________________.

Write sentences with want or would like.

32. Boss: Mary, can you answer the phone? (want)The boss ___________.

33. Ann:Pat, could you look after the children? (would like) ___________.

Active Voice: Formation

Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
Present V, V(es) e.g. She studies at this university. am/is/are + P1 e.g. She is studying English now. have/has+ PP e.g. He has repairedher car. have/has been + P1 e.g. He has been waitingforher for 10 minutes.
Past V-ed, V2 e.g. She studied at this university. was/were + P1 e.g. She was studying English when I came. had + PP e.g. He had repairedher car by the time she came. had been + P1 e.g. He hadbeen waiting for her for 10 minutes yesterday.
Future will + V e.g. She will study at this university. will be + P1 e.g. She will be studying English at this time tomorrow. will have + PP e.g. He will have repairedher car by Monday. will have been + P1 e.g. He will havebeen waiting for her for 10 minutes by the time she gets home

Note: V = verb

V2 = the second column of the Irregular Verbs Table

P1 = Participle One (verb + ing)

PP = Participle Two or Past Participle (regular verbs + -ed; irregular verb � see the third column of the table)

Now check your answers (tenses):

Part A: 1. A, 2. B, 3. C, 4. A, 5. D, 6. B, 7. A, 8. A, 9. D, 10. B.

Part B: 12. I haven't written, 13. I�ve been training, 14. played, 15. came, 16. enjoyed, 17. I haven't done, 18. arrived, 19. went, 20. was raining, 21. arrived, 22. was crossing, 23. splashed, 24. changed, 25. is expecting, 26. told, 27. hasn't arrived, 28. has discovered, 29. died, 30. bought, 31. was working, 32. recognized, 33. painted, 34. paid, 35. say.

Passive Voice: Formation

Simple Continuous Perfect
Present am/is/are+PP e.g. Cars are repaired. am/is/are+being+PP e.g. The car is being repaired. have/has+been+PP e.g. The car has been repaired.
Past was/were+PP e.g. The car was repaired. was/were+being+PP e.g. The car was being repaired. had been + PP e.g. The car had been repaired.
Future will be + PP e.g. The car will be repaired. will have been + PP e.g. The car will have been repaired.

Now check your answers (reported speech):

1.1 ____ she didn�t understand his work.

1.2 ____ this word means.

1.3 ۷

1.4 ۷

1.5 ____ lived.

2.1 Had been, 2.2 told, 2.3 was having, 2.4 was doing, 2.5 had had, 2.6 the � previous, 2.7 would, 2.8 said, 2.9 had, 2.10 had lost, 2.11 to buy, 2.12 if/whether, 2.13 was, 2.14 was, 2.15 would, 2.16 was living, 2.17 had spent, 2.18 to send, 2.19 to give, 2.20 told, 2.21 hadn�t heard, 2.22 where, 2.23 was living, 2.24 if/whether, 25. wanted.

Now check your answers (passive voice):

1. Posted, 2. weren�t paid, 3. speaks, 4. isn�t pronounced, 5. will be built, 6. is being cleaned, 7. have been invited

8. Is made, 9. were killed, 10. will be done, 11. is spoken

12. A, 13. B, 14. B, 15. A

16. Are being followed, 17. has been stolen, 18. is being repaired, 19. have been moved, 20. have been sent, 21. are � being interviewed

22. Meal tickets were given to all the passengers. 23. Ellen has been shown the plans for the new building. 24. A week�s holiday has been promised to all the office workers. 25. Laura was sent a bill for the repairs.

The -ing form is used :

1. as a noun:

e.g. Eating vegetables is good for your health.

(admit (to), avoid, consider, continue, delay, deny, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, imagine, involve, keep (= continue), look forward to, mention, mind, miss, object to, postpone, practise, prevent, report, resist, risk, save, stand, suggest, understand etc)

e.g. He admitted (to) stealing the painting.

3. after love, like, dislike, hate, enjoy, prefer (to express general preference)

e.g. He likes cooking (in general).

Note: like + to-inf = it's a good idea; it's useful

e.g. I like to eat a healthy breakfast.(specific


4. after I'm busy, it's no use, it's (no) good, it's (not) worth, what's the use of, can't help, there's no point (in), can't stand, be/get used to, be/get accustomed to, have difficulty (in)

e.g. It's no use complaining.

5. after "go" for physical activities:

e.g. They go skiing every winter.

6. after spend/waste time

e.g. He wasted his time playing video games.

7. after prepositions

e.g. He entered without knocking at the door.

8. after see, hear, listen, watch to express an incomplete action, an action in progress or a long action:

e.g. I saw Kate painting the kitchen. (I saw Kate in the middle of painting. I saw part of the action in progress. I didn't wait until she had finished.)

BUT: see, hear, listen, watch + infinitive without to express a complete action, something that one saw or heard from beginning to end:

e.g. I watched Kate paint the kitchen. It took her two hours. (I saw the whole action from beginning to end.)

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Who Can Repair a Cracked Basement Where There Is No Leaks in the Rolla Mo

Source: https://studopedia.su/20_110868_After-certain-verbs.html

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